Sunday, January 04, 2009

Going to the Dogs

So, I did make an effort this afternoon to take some dog photos. I did get a few, but I think I really need to go out a little earlier when the lighting is a tad more even. It was really bright in the sun, and much, much darker even with a little shade, and it was pretty much one or the other. I'm hoping I can get out when the lighting is a tad more even, if I can stand it. Unfortunately, the weather has been in the teens today, and according to Yahoo right now it is 8 deg. F outside. It's too cold for man nor beast. LOL

Anyway, here are the pics I was able to take of Mollie.

And this is one I took of Rocky.

And one of Daisy Mae:

I took a few other miscellaneous outdoor shots - a few that are o.k., probably nothing to write home about. LOL Like this one, for instance:

Hope you like them.

Oh, btw, the mystery of the unknown artist has been solved. The song "20 Cities" is by The Daylights. I knew it was very familiar. LOL BTW, if you haven't heard The Daylights, DO check them ought. They are very good!!!!

1 comment:

McEdward said...

Lovely Dogs~~~