I have been in the process of working on getting my very messy bedroom cleaned out a bit. I figured that if I could get that project completed, I would be in a better position to tackle the computer room, which at this point looks rather hopeless. LOL
At any rate, while I was engaged in the cleaning process, I started thinking about cell phone pics. I have no idea why I was thinking about cell phone photos. There probably is not a good and logical explanation. However, I was thinking about them just the same. Since I don't really have one theme for all of them, I thought I'd share a sampling (my equivalent of home movies?)
Well, I can't seem to get captions and photos to match, so I will just list the references at the bottom of the blog:
(still working on the attributions - may not be in order) Marquee on Sept. 19 for The Rocket Summer concert. What my husband looks like when he cleans my car window in Arizona, what a happy-go-lucky guy. ;) He's a serious window cleaner. Sunset on September 20, 2008 (Somewhere between UT & AZ). Clouds somewhere in AZ on the way home. Me in the car on Sept. 28, 2008. I look dangerously mean one of them. You can probably guess which one. LOL Zion National Park from the car on Sept. 28 Rockband 2 load in. The Yellowcard concert was on a college campus near a big grassy area with trees. There was a cemetery right next door to the venue where Yellowcard was playing. Praying Mantis was waiting to see Yellowcard with me in Logan - Sept. 30. Me, waiting for the plane to leave for Fort Meyers Florida with a long layover in Dallas. Clouds from the plane. Thanks to Jacob and Brett for my obsession with cloud photos. :) One of my airplanes. Skylink, airport tram in Dallas. The road and mountains from my car on the way to work. The Ogden Mountains while I was waiting to see One Republic, et al.
First of all, I messaged my youngset daughter to see if she had reached at her sisters place in Phoenix. She left yesterday morning and never texted back to say she had arrived. She texted me back saying she wasn't there yet, and that she was about a half an hour away. We live 12 hours from Phoenix. It had been more than 24 hours. See, when I first sent her the message, I was really being somewhat facetious. I told her that I was sure she had arrived safely as I hadn't received any panicky calls from her sister. Silly me. LOL As it turned out, the weather was bad, she took a longer route to avoid snow and instead ran into fog and pulled over to sleep until the fog lifted. So she did arrive safe and sound at 1:55 p.m. This reminds me why I don't normally drive out of state in the winter months.
Anyway, my Thanksgiving plans were to have Thanksgiving dinner at church. The last few years we have done this and I have enjoyed it. My husband isn't terribly social, but he comes, stays for the dinner and leaves. Then I laugh myself silly as the rest of the group plots their Black Friday shopping. Last year, I found out about a $99 Zune, and I was actually able to get one without any bloodshed (thanks to Office Max who ran the thing quite smoothly!)
So, I signed up to bring a ham. I went to Wal Mart to get a spiral-sliced ham, and came away with a very expensive ham ($3.97 per pound) as it was pretty much all they had that came even close to what I was looking for. I got up today to fix it, and managed to get everything ready in a somewhat timely fashion. I thought we were supposed to be there at 3p.m. but hadn't heard anything, so I took my time and got there just a little bit later. My husband followed behind me in his vehicle. The parking lot was bare. There wasn't a soul in sight! I didn't know what else to do besides drive home, so we did, my husband having a good laugh over the whole thing. So, now I have enough ham for a small army and no Thanksgiving dinner. I got home and called my daughter in Phoenix, and she was in a similar situation as Bethany's late arrival and the fact that they were picking someone up from the airport meant that they didn't have a real dinner plan either. That's when it would be nice to be closer. LOL
But as I pondered what to do, my husband said well, we can have ham and we should be thankful for what we have. He was, of course, quite right. So, I went through the kitchen and found a few potatoes to "bake" in the microwave, some mixed vegetables, and some sweet potatoes and made a meal of it. I was quite stuffed. While we ate, a Sara Lee cherry pie I'd previously forgotten about in the freezer was cooking.
All in all, a nice quiet and uneventful Thanksgiving day. Sometimes that is a blessing to be thankful for.
On June 28, 2008, I was on my way to Warped Tour and talking to my mom on the phone. I was trying to get a good seat to the Coldplay concert on November 22, 2008 and the general sale started at 10 a.m. So far I haven't figured out how to be in 2 places at once. If anyone masters that one, I'd be happy to hear all about it!
Best Buy had a presale for the show a little earlier, but the best I could pull up exactly at ten with everything going perfectly at my end was Row 24. That's when I decided to wait for the general sale. At the general sale, I (or my mom on my behalf, actually) pretty much pulled up the exact spot. SO I debated whether or not to get a floor seat or pay less and sit a bit further up. In the end, I opted for the floor.
I arrived at the venue and parked in the lot across the street just a little before 6 and went to line up at the entrance. The doors were to open at 6:30 and I braced myself to face the chill for another half an hour. At 6:13, Hell froze over, and the doors opened. Of course, I am kidding here. Really, how often do the doors to a show open early? I can think of two other times. Both times it was raining.
I did the ladies room thing, bought some stickers for $8 at the merch table (yeah... a page with about 5 stickers cost $8)and was planning to find my seat. The doors to the arena itself still were closed as it wasn't 6:30, so I just talked to a venue employee for a while until I could head for my seat. I found my seat rather quickly and then went to look for a friend in the nosebleeds. When I was almost to Section 102, I heard screaming. It was the second time, so I went to see what was up. The first time I thought they were starting early and I was no where near where I was supposed to be. LOL As it turns out, Matt, was in the process of upgrading some gals in the nosebleeds to Row 3 (yes, I ashamedly admit my jealousy LOL) I took a pic of the girls with him and followed him for a few doors and chatted. I asked if he was the emcee or something because I liked his voice. He had a nice British accent. :) Imagine that, an employee for Coldplay with a British accent? ;) Then I figured I was close enough to Sec 102 and ducked out. Section 102 was completely empty. I was told by one of the ushers that all of Section 102 was relocated because of the huge "balls" that were part of the set blocking visibility. I saw Matt give another couple an upgrade on the floor. I walked by and he was just telling them what he was doing, and then I said, "Oh, that's why no screaming yet, you hadn't told them." LOL That must be the fun part of his job - giving people upgrades. It would be for me. They must have given out a few. I heard more than one set of squeals, and there was a gal giving them away also.
Anyway, it was about time for the show to start, so I headed back to my seat. I texted another friend, Lauralee a few times to figure out where she was sitting. She called me on my cell just as the show started, and I couldn't hear a thing. LOL The first band, Sleepercar was actually pretty good. I never did see any merch for them anywhere as I might have picked up their cd. They did a cover of Wild Horses that was well done, I thought.
After a short intermission that I spent looking for (and finally finding) Lauralee, John Hopkins came on stage. He was on a keyboard/mixer on the far right of the stage in bright lights. On the left was a screen with animation. My first thought was that it looked like a cross between a cartoon and someone's bad dream. My second thought was that the animation looked like a bad acid trip. Both times I shared this with the gal next to me and she laughed and said that she had just told her friend the exact same thing. His music was very "experimental". I didn't mind the first song too much, but it was really a bit "sterile" for me - as in no real interaction. Once John's set ended it was finally time for Coldplay to set up. It wasn't long and they were on stage to a standing ovation and raucous applause. It was clear that no one planned to sit anytime soon. I had mixed feelings about that one. I really didn't have good visibility, although sometimes I could see the drummer well. The stage setup was awesome, though. There were 5 large "balls" from the ceiling that were raised and lowered. At least for one or two songs, you could see the face of the lead singer and his hands playing guitar. There was a large screen to the back, a small television and they both had the same thing on. I liked it best when the band was on the screen as then I could see better. Most of the night, I was on my toes and trying to see around the 6 foot plus dude three rows up. I so wanted him to sit down for one song. LOL At one point during the concert Coldplay went up into the second level balcony (middle level) and set up and played. It was awesome as it was just behind me and the best view I had all night! LOL As for the music, it was pretty incredible! They did quite a few songs off X&Y, which is great, since I love the whole cd. I really love the song, I Will Try to Fix You, and even though I knew it was on the set list (thanks to Ethan Luck), I was filled with excitement on hearing the first notes. The lighting was all in blues and lavenders with faint, almost shadowy, images of the band in triplicate. The song brought chills, and Chris complimented everyone's beautiful singing. It was stunning to say the least. Another very cool moment in the show was when Chris played Hardest Part and everyone sang along going into the next song. At one point in the concert thousands and thousands of butterflies made from tissue and a think plastic all fluttered from the ceiling. They were everywhere around me. At first the lights were on, but they soon changed to flouresent and a second wave of butteriflies floated to the tops of heads, landed on shoulders, inside coat pockets and purses, and covered the floor in a sea of color. It was really something to see! I brought a purseful home with me. My butterfly stash: Just as the last song was playing the two gals next to me left, and I picked up my things and moved over. As the last note was played, I excused myself and followed the security guys towards the front in hopes of nagging a set list. I asked someone and he just said he didn't have one. Then I spotted Matt, and the three girls I saw him with told him thanks again and showed them the pick they were able to get. Then another gal asked him for a pick, so I asked him about a set list, and he went and brought her a pick and was looking for a set list. Just as he was getting it for me a security guy tried to get me to leave and he arrived back with it in the nick of time. I thanked him and told him he was an angel (and I meant it!) :) He was really a nice guy and he made my night!! So then I headed out to the lot, got turned around and walked a block in the wrong direction, and headed back again. As I arrived to the lot, I saw a young girl and her grandmother (I think she said it was her granddaughter) and her car was not in the lot anymore. I have had my car stolen from a restaurant lot before, and I KNOW what it feels like, so I stayed until their friend arrived. I tried to tell her as much as I could what should happen next, but her friend was an ex police officer who was going to help. Once he arrived, I headed for home.
It was another great show, but a little bittersweet, as this is the first time in a long while that I haven't had a ticket on my desk to an upcoming show. But all is not lost - I saw Sam during one of the intermissions, and he gave me a flyer for a Jonathan Jones on Dec. 4 (and which I passed along to the couple behind me who promised to check him out.) Looks like a December concert could be in the works after all?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I am downloading cell phone pics using Picasa. During the process I noticed that there is a feature that allows you to "Blog This" so I tried it. The photo is from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. Yea, I was being surreptitious with my cell phone. I was too paranoid to even try messing with the settings. LOL
I have been online enough, but since I started work, went to a ton of shows, and battled pertussis, I've lost track of some of the boards I've been on for a while. Eisley's board was one of the boards I hadn't visited in a while.
So last night I got back online and decided to check out some of the threads. I found out that Zane, their merch guy, was hit by a car(s) and ended up with a head injury. Zane is a very nice, and personable guy. I know I went to take a photo of him once and he said he wasn't that important. I disagreed. I also remember having a conversation with him about merch. A little later in the day someone wanted to see the merch before the show, and he accomodated them. Anyway, this is to say he's a good guy, and my hope and prayer is that he will recover fully and soon. I wouldn't mind at all if a few others joined me in that prayer.
Then the real kicker, also on the Eisley board, is that Randy, the drummer for The Myriad, has a form of bone cancer. This is the post from their website:
"Friends and family,
As some of you may have heard, our band mate Randy Miller had a large tumor removed from his left chest/shoulder area which has now been diagnosed as Chondrosarcoma, an extremely rare cancer of the bone. Unfortunately, during the meeting with the specialist at Stanford this week, he was informed that the tumor removed was just the tip of the iceberg. The tumor is much larger than they originally thought and it extends into his shoulder and arm. There is also a tumor in his left pelvic area and thigh and still another large tumor located on his right adrenal gland which is possibly another type of cancer altogether. Due to the aggressive nature of this cancer, Randy should begin chemotherapy immediately but is waiting to hear back from the state as to whether they will insure him. Until then, he cannot begin the treatment process. Please pray that this process is expedited.
There are immediate and ongoing financial needs for Randy and Kristyn and kids, Connor and Gillian. These needs can be met by donating to a “Mercy Fund” set up by a non profit organization called The Stirring and currently designated to Randy Miller. There are a few different ways you can send tax deductible donations to this fund. One is online at www.thestirring.org. Located to the bottom right of the main page you will see “ONLINE GIVING”. If you click on this link you will be directed to a secure page where you can set up an online giving account. Once the account is set up you will see the “MERCY FUND” and be able to send secure donations to the family through this organization. Tax deductible donations can also be sent in the form of a check to:
The Stirring RE: Randy Miller 3468 Bechelli Lane Suite E Redding, CA 96002
Any financial support you can give in order to help the Miller’s through this difficult time is appreciated.
Thanks for your prayers, The Myriad"
I have tears in my eyes as I post this. These guys mean a lot to me. They have been amazing to this old lady when I've seen them. Please, keep Randy and family, and all of them in your prayers and if you can help out - that would be wonderful.
I've been a tad on the tired side lately, so I've been thinking of a song I know by Pete Seeger. I was thinking of posting the lyrics here and commenting on it - hopefully with something really clever - but instead I pulled up a link to a video. The really cool thing about this video is that it is Pete Seeger when he did a concert with Arlo Guthrie in the late 70's (I'm wondering if it might be closer to mid 70's?) and I did see Pete Seeger and Arlo Guthrie with my mom in Berkeley in the 70's. At any rate, if you are tired like me, check this out. Then you'll get a glimpse of how I'm feeling and maybe get a chuckle to boot.
I will also add, that a long ago ex-boyfriend had a reel to reel of Pete Seeger performing to a small group. Somehow he managed to get in and record. He let me keep the reel to reel (tape and recorder) for quite a long time before I returned it to him and I listened to it over and over again. Pete Seeger's an amazing folk singer. Politically, I'm sure we are miles apart, but he still holds a special place in my heart.
I found out about Eric from one of Kevin Max's blogs a while back. He was unjustly imprisoned in Nicaragua for a murder he didn't commit (trust me, the evidence was pretty strongly in favor of his innocence.) I received an e-mail from Friends of Eric Volz that I wanted to pass this along:
And some good news that I received today: UPDATE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH 2008 : 9AM Central Visit www.friendsofericvolz for more detail
IMPORTANT ADVANCEMENT - Yesterday, at the last minute, three Opposition Party Supreme Court Justices broke their strike and entered the court room to preside over Eric's case. This moderates the balance of political influence on the 6 judge panel. The substitute Sandinista judges did not appear, so the final count was three judges from Ortega's Party and three judges from the political opposition. The presence of the judges from the opposition greatly improves Eric's chances of receiving an objective ruling. Eric is innocent of this crime! It is our hope that the Appellate Court verdict declaring Eric's innocence will be upheld by the Supreme Court. The information we have received is that the judges will take 30 days to announce their decision. Three officers from the U.S. Embassy were in attendance for the hearing in an observational capacity.
Eric and his family would like nothing more than to put this case behind them. We pray for the objectivity of the judges and, ultimately, for justice to be honored in memory of Doris Jimenez.
Thank you for your continued support!
NEW important articles to read:
Washington Post- Ortega moves to construct another Dictatorship http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/15/AR2008111502140.html
AP- US doubts fairness of Nicaragua Elections http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iTAdmGPMc12WtMBq6SANp1w3xRswD94172N80
Sometimes it's easy to forget what's going on in the rest of the world, and how fortunate we truly are here in America even with all of it's imperfections.
Even though no cameras were allowed, I have to say that I had the most amazing time tonight at the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. There is nothing else that can even come close to comparing. The music is unbeatable, as is the stage lighting. Music, a story-line, and quite appropriate for all ages.
If you haven't seen (or heard of) Trans-Siberian Orchestra, someone once described it as Christmas music to shred guitars. Actually, it is much more than that! TSO is Christmas, classical and good rock all rolled into one, combined with electric violins, and vocals that range from classic to rock to blues. The first half of the show has a storyline, mixed with music that is somewhat thematic. Some of the vocals sound very rock/blues, while some are just classical vocals. There is a street bum in the storyline who does the most amazing job of his role, and sings beautifully to boot while staying in character. (Hear that Bart, you really are one of my favorite actors, and those really were tears in my eyes.) TSO on the west coast, at least, has two of the most amazing pianists around and they always do a little back and forth piano "dueling" at one point in the show.
Then there is the light show. Every year TSO adds to the light show. I was told that there were 15 trucks this time around and I definitely believe it. It wouldn't surprise me if that was understated, although I think the source was pretty accurate. There are lights, lights, and more lights - magenta, whites, blues, reds - flashing lights, laser lights, green, red and every color of the rainbow, screens, flames, fog(steam), pyrotechnics (aka fireworks) and just about every stage light imagineable. I can't imagine how they can possible add more and still have room for musicians. LOL I have decided that my dream is to someday photograph TSO's show. I think I have about as much chance of that as walking on the moon, but sometimes you have to dream big. LOL As for smaller goals, a much more modest goal is to remember to set my alarm for the presale next year so I can once again sit closer than row 29. I must say, though, even at Row 29, the view wasn't too bad, and I could still feel the heat from the flames.
After the show, there was the usual autograph table. This year Al was at the head of the table instead of the end. He had hurt himself (e.g. really messed up his knee) and had to play the show sitting. He was in a wheel chair. I got up to see him and said, "Hey, it's the stunt man" and it made him laugh, which was really cool. I thought he might think it lame, but he smiled instead. I will be praying for his knee, as he may have to have surgery when he gets home.
Then I went down the line. I told Angus that he looked like he was getting more comfortable on the riser or he was faking it better. Then he said really it was Anna Phoebe's fault (violinist last few years now on the East coast tour - she's pretty incredible, btw.) She told him not to move. LOL I was so tired, I nearly fell for it. But then I remembered that the first time I saw them I mentioned him being "white knuckled" and we talked about it until security told me I had to keep the line moving. (Hey, he was the one talking. LOL)
I felt kinda badly because it took me too long to place of few of the newer musicians with the West Coast tour, so I probably sounded really dorky, and just said how amazing the show was and the vocals were great. Then I saw Tommy Farese. I just love Tommy. His vocals were outstanding tonight, especially the first song he sang. He just nailed it - lots of heart and soul. I told him I missed him last year. He said, yea, I think I was sick, and I said that he was. I told him I said a prayer for him then. I said I hoped he was feeling better, and he said "not really" and I wanted to say more but felt like I'd better move before I got moved. LOL Anyway, now I feel sorta badly that I didn't give him some proper good well wishes. He probably knows, but it was a tad awkward when I left. Anyway, he's a good guy, and I always enjoy seeing him.
Afterwards, I looked for my car. I literally walked right past it because I thought it was further out, and the cold air was making my tired eyes water like crazy. Then I realized I was at A14, the numbers were going up, and I was at A3. So, I backtracked, found my car, headed for home, stopped and checked my P.O. Box, pulled into the driveway, petted Daisy & Rocky, went inside and greeted Mollie, had some nice warm oatmeal and raisin bread and sat down to type of my latest adventure.
If TSO is coming to your area, please do yourself a favor and go. It will be worth every penny!!!
Sometimes I write notes to myself. I'm trying to get rid of some of the paper in my computer room. Right now it's pretty much taking over. Soon I will get lost in it. LOL Actually, sad, I know. :(
At any rate, a while back I was in the car waiting - I think for a concert (surprise) and I decided to read a little from The Bible, and wrote a few notes to myself. I thought I'd share them. This serves two purposes. The first is that I can throw out the paper, and still have the note. The second is that you can read it and see if it's worthwhile. LOL
Anyway, my notes on Galations 5:
Christ did not come to abolish the law. The law still exists and is still valid. He came to fulfill the law. How? We trespassed against the law and he paid the penalty of death for that violation. So the law was broken, and the penalty paid.
Which leaves us free to love, does it not?
And how can we (talking to self here) continue to abuse that freedom knowing what it cost? We stil have a law written on our hearts (written on a heart of flesh - not stone.)
There it is.. short and sweet. Sometimes I think I need to print this really big and tape it where I can see it always. Who knows, maybe I'll do that sometime.
I have had a ticket to see One Republic, Augustana, The Spill Canvas and The Hush Sound since the day they went on sale. I've been looking forward to it. IT was really nice that it was pretty close to home, and even closer to my workplace.
I did need to put in at least 4 hours of work, so instead of my usual swingshift, I worked 4 hours from 9:25 a.m. to 1:25 p.m. It went by relatively quickly, although with only 4 hours of sleep I was somewhat tired. I headed out to the venue to wait early since the show was general admission. I arrived at the venue around 2 p.m. and proceeded to look for the best place to line up. It took a while, but the first place I chose to wait ended up being the best. I went into the ticket office right after I got there, and the ticket window was still closed. There were quite a few people waiting for will call but I think many of them were waiting for an early meet and greet. As it turned out, the meet and greet must have incorporated at least part of sound check. The door to the building was left open and I could hear it quite well. One Republic played Stop and Stare and another song and I was excited about the evening. Still, I was the only one waiting in line. Around 3:15 or so I decided to play my Zune for a bit and wait for Lauralee to get to the venue, and I took them off again when I heard The Hush Sound. I wasn't positive it was them, since I wasn't really familiar with their music, but I knew it wasn't the Spill Canvas and Augustana had to cancel when the singer was injured 10 days ago. (They rejoin the tour today, I think, so we JUST missed them!) :( Anyway, it was a little after 4 before anyone joined me in line, and then Lauralee and friend showed up around 4:45. They were next in line. At a little after 5, a couple showed up and we chatted about the lack of a line so close to door times (6 p.m.) They expected to see a long line. I spotted Miss Corey somewhere around that time, and we chatted a bit and caught up with things. That was a nice surprise. :) It was nearly 6 by the time people really started to arrive. It was almost eerie. LOL At any rate, the doors did finally open, probably close to 6:15 and I managed to get to the front of the barricade without any major hassles or obstacles. I think that's a first! LOL Then I proceeded to chat with anyone and everyone and had a good, long conversation with one of the security guards.
Before long, The Hush Sound made their way to the stage and put on an awesome show. At one point they had said that Utah was better than Colorado and started a Utah, Utah chant. It was funny. Afterwards, I asked for a set list and was able to get one. Lauralee got a set list as well, so that was pretty cool. I was thinking that if I only got one, I'd probably give it to her, but I really am kinda glad I didn't have to. LOL The Hush Sounds set list: Intro, Love You Better, We Intertwine, Molasses, Med Man, Wine Red, Hurricane, Not Your Concern, Honey
After the usual amount of time to set the stage, it was time for The Spill Canvas. There were a couple of gals next to me that were extreme Spill Canvas fans. I can't say I blame them. I've seen them off and on since 2005, and they just get better everytime I hear them. Nick is a fantastic vocalist and it's fun to watch them interact on stage. They definitely have their own style. They did a few older songs, and more than a few from their newer cd. Nick said that their dressing room was the girl's locker room, and that Landon was wearing a shirt in honor of one of the players, so he took off his jacket and he had a Weber State tank top on. I had hoped to hear Battles, but unfortunately, it wasn't on the set list. Afterwards, I managed to get Dan's attention and asked him for the set list. He came over to the stage, then said that he would save it for me. I thought, "how cool is that," and "Now how am I going to get it from him?" I finally figured that they were planning to meet people after their set so I texted Lauralee to find out if she could get it for me if she saw him. She left the barricade to go and meet with The Hush Sound as they are one of her favorite bands. She asked which one he was, so I texted back, but that was the end of it.
I did finally see Dan after the show (to skip ahead a little) and asked him if he really saved it for me, and he had. He pulled it out and handed it to me. He asked me about photos, and we talked briefly, but he had to leave. They will be in Pocatello, and I really wished I could practically make it. Next time, though, I will be there if it's at all possible.
Anyway, the set list for The Spill Canvas was: Hush Hush, Staplegunned, Saved, Polygraph, Dutch, Connect, All Over You I'm not really sure if that's all of the songs they played. I thought there were more, so I'll have to think about it. The set list has Dan's name on it. LOL
Then it was time for One Republic to set up. Until that point the crowd had been pretty energetic but not at all pushy, which was nice. During the break, things started to get a little tighter, and a lot pushier, although the people behind me did a fairly good job of holding their own, so I was doing pretty good for the most part. Finally One Republic took the stage to raucous applause. :) Brent came out first and did some things with the keyboards, then everyone else came on. Ryan came from the center back of the stage, so I could hear him before I could see him. I was pretty much right in front of him and the piano. It was a great set. One of the songs I really wanted to hear was Mercy, and they opened with it. Ryan's voice was simply incredible all night long. IN addition to Mercy, they did Stop and Stare, Apologize, Say All I Need, Goodbye Apathy, to name a few. Brent was simply amazing on the cello - so pretty and it added a lot! For the encore, they came out and did a song from my "era", For What It's Worth. :) They did an amazing job of it, imho. I knew most of the words, too. ;) Here's a live version from 1967 by the Buffalo Springfield. I got a kick out of the emcee since I was obsessed with him in Jr. High:
During the encore, this girl behind me threw up. From that point on the path behind me was rather clear. LOL At the last song these two girls, thinking they were getting a good deal, stood right where she threw up. Kinda gross. We tried to tell them, but they decided to stay.
After the show, I spotted Sam and went over to talk to him for a while. That's when I spotted The Spill Canvas. Then I talked to Sam for another minute and went up to see if the merch was still available and it was. Then I spotted a line and asked and told it was an autograph line. I bought a tee so I'd have something for One Republic to sign. I tried to buy a cap earlier, but they sold the last one off the display right in front of me. :( Anyway, I got back in line and someone asked for my wristband. I asked someone how to get a wristband and they said you had to buy the cd, so I spotted two guys with the cd's and wristband's, had a short debate with myself, and bought the cd.
I was the last one in line, which is usually good, but a couple of gals left, and wanted to be last, so they got behind me. Then someone got behind them. I thought it mildly amusing. We all wanted to be last. LOL I had a nice, but short conversation with Ryan about the first time I saw them at Jingle Ball in Stockton (with my mom who loves Apologize) and a little bit of a fun conversation with Drew and Brent. Then I talked security into letting me back just long enough to get a photo with Ryan. One of the gals walked right in front of the rest of the guy's, so you can only see Ryan in the pic. LOL She didn't realize it, though. Then I took a pic of her getting her tee shirt autographed and I walked out with her and her friend. Then I scraped a little ice off my window (ugh, winter weather), got in the car and headed for Arby's and then home.
I was so exhausted, that I totally crashed on my keyboard. LOL But it was a great night of great music!
With certain people I know all getting to hold alligators lately, I just thought I'd post this one of me petting an alligator. I wanted to hold him, but it wasn't an option. My mom took this one for me.
Yes, unbelievable is how I would describe the Hush Sound, The Spill Canvas, One Republic show last night. Tomorrow (or is that later today) I will post the details with photos, but for now, I'm exhausted. Let's just say that everyone was amazing, and Ryan's vocals are stellar!!
Yesterday I got up at 7:30 a.m. (almost unheard of for me) and got ready to go to work and to see Copeland. I worked 5 hours 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. and then left for the show. I arrived about 3:15 in the afternoon for a show that started at 6:30 p.m. I had hoped to catch up with Copeland early since I had something for Aaron that I wanted him to have before the show, and I wanted to see if I could get permission for my pro camera. As it turned out, they didn't get there until 5:15 p.m. and had to hurry to unload. I did catch Aaron, gave him the tea and he started to say that he had to hurry and unload and I said, "go" practically before he even finished. So, I didn't get to see him again until later and I was reduced to my point and shoot.
Anyway, there is a whole issue that came up over my point and shoot, and would love feedback, especially from artists (and concert goers in general, too) if anyone reads this at all. LOL I blogged about it on my myspace which is http://www.myspace.com/woman4life
After the show I was able to talk to Brian a bit, and then he wanted to go outside to see these adorable puppies. One of them was a yorkshire terrier (I thought so, but asked to be sure) and told the owner about my daugther's adorable schnorkie. Hahaha...
Anyway, I came back inside with band members and saw Aaron standing by the merch table, so we talked a bit. I think it's the first time I've seen them in a long while where we really had a little time to talk, so that was nice.
Then I stopped at Arby's and made the drive home. I was really more tired than I can remember in a long while. I didn't even get the trash organized because I couldn't stay awake!! So, I figured I'd get up with my husband in a few hours and deal with it, but I just snoozed through it all. I think I must have turned off the alarm -I vaguely remember that, but I was out of it!
This morning I got up and voted. I was grateful for no long lines. Everything was very efficient and went quite smoothly. It pays to go mid-morning, I think. I'm guessing it will be far more crowded for those who go after work or this evening. I used to work at the polls, but haven't for a bit. I kinda miss it sometimes. It's actually kinda fun, even though it does make for a very long day!!
Vancouver Fall Family Photography
Oh-so-grateful for repeat clients! I photographed Tina and Trevor’s winter
wedding a handful of years ago, and since then have photographed their
family ...
Thursday February 22 2024
Waking up around 11:30 a.m. Been feeling a little under the weather with a
runny nose.
Oatmeal. Tea.
Catching up on business at the computer.
ethernet cable xbox series s
The cable has 24K. Xbox Series S Halo Infinite Standard Edition - Xbox
Series XS Windows 10 Digital Code.
Set Up Your Xbox Series X S Console Xbox Suppo...
Télécharger Le Rose-Croix franc-maçon
Télécharger Le Rose-Croix franc-maçon
Être différent avec d'autres personnes qui ne lisent pas cette publication.
En prenant les bons avantages de vérifier...
[image: s+m_wedding-254__WEB]
*every once in a while* a wedding comes along that just it out of the
water. something so different, so exciting, so incredi...
People > Community
*“He who loves his dream of community will destroy community, but he who
loves those around him will create community.” *
*-Dietrich Bonhoeffer*
* * *
The Civil Wars : LA & Santa Cruz
photo by Julio Reis
Hotel Cafe, tucked in the heart of LA, is known as a hub for music - both
well known and obscure. Having played a solo show there over...
Being a Mommy Rocks.
Mother's Day was a happy one! I am one lucky lady to not only have the best
mom in the world, but also to be mom to the most amazing little girl (and
one o...
So after an incredible day doing interviews and a press conference and
meeting many of our fans here in the Philippines, I got checked into our
room at the...
All Our Best To The West
Thanks to everyone who joined us at a show or a hang on our west coast
Owl City, Runner Runner, and Classic Crime were all wonderful people to
Lazarus, Part 2
After a brief week off we hit the road again, this time to grace a stage
adorned with half-hearted props on the Winter Wonderslam Tour. The tour was
great ...
Where to find me on the web
If you've been waiting around these parts for a new post from me, let it be
known that I am no longer updating this blog. But don't fret! I'm still
very ac...
the river delta
this past week i got to drive through the mississippi delta, the birth
place of the blues. i got to go to the delta blues museum in clarksdale
UK Round Two ! !
So in all the years that Melee has been a band, we have always dreamed
about playing shows in Europe. It's now June 2007 and we're getting ready
to go to t...
I love music! And I love going to concerts!! My favorite thing to do is to go to a concert with my Canon 20D and take photographs.
I love God, but I don't always live it out like I should. I'm trying to work on this, but I really need His help. I can't do it on my own.
When I look at the mountains I'm reminded that God truly creates, we can only duplicate it in some way. He is the author of beauty.