Thursday, August 14, 2008

Habitat for Humanity

Well, I hemmed and hawed, and went back and forth on whether of not to enter a contest to help Third Day, Switchfoot, Jars of Clay, Robert Randolph, et al. build a home on the Music Builds Tour, but finally decided to go for it because I believe in the concept that Habitat represents, and support it as a charity. If I win (unlikely) that would be great, but if not, at least I can help out a worthwhile cause. So, if you, like me - believe that helping people to get into a home of their own with some investment of their own time (taking ownership I would call it) and would like to help me and Habitat, please consider going to my myspace page at then finding the Habitat Widget and click on donate. Even $5 helps. And if you can't do that now, consider making a contribution later even after the contest is over.

Thanks. :)


O.K. I tried adding the widget here, and it looks like it worked! The contest said to or through the 15th, which is today.

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