Friday, September 07, 2007

The hurrieder I go the behinder I get

I think I used to hear that saying from my mom long ago. I'm not sure where she got it, but it tends to suit me too well. LOL

At any rate, I am going to see Weird Al tonight at the fair. I haven't had enough sleep. I need to do a lot of things, and here I am online. I'm a glutton for punishment. LOL

And, I am now the street team co-ordinator for Mute Math in Salt Lake City! The tour just started with a sold out show in Boston. It shouldn't be any surprise that Mute Math would sell out. Not only is the music outstanding, but they probably have one of the best live stage shows out there. They set the standard for stage presentation!! Not only that, but they are touring with Eisley. It's an interesting combo. Eisley is just pretty. Mute Math rocks! But both bands are absolutely incredible live. If it comes near you, DO NOT miss it!!!!! I can't emphasize that enough. I've had my ticket since the day they went on sale.

1 comment:

AE said...

ok I will finally check out this band. You have convinced me! lol