Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Local Talent, who knew?

James Belliston:

Spiral Diary:

Josh Rosenthal:

Benton Paul:

John Allred:

I just watched last night's American Idol through the magical and wonderful courtesy of DVR. I happen to notice that one of the better singer's was a 16 year old from Murray, UT. That's really not too far from here at all. So, thinking about our local talent scene, I am taken back to last Saturday night, February 9.

Saturday the plan was to head out to Sandy, UT (a hop, skip and a jump from Murray, pretty much) and attend John Allred's cd release party. I had received a note via myspace telling me that me and my camera were loved. Now how can you not go where you are loved? ;) At any rate, I was having second thoughts only because I wasn't feeling the best. I wasn't really sick, but I felt rather disconnected and spacey. However, I had said I was going to show so I figured I should. The drive out seemed inordinately long. I was paying attention the the road and traffic o.k., although I secretly hoped no one would do anything stupid right in front of me just in case. Gratefully no one did. I kept forgetting to pay attention to where I was, though, and I'm pretty happy that I did notice in time not to miss my exit. This time I found the Solid Ground Cafe pretty easily. Normally I'm at shows quite early. This time my camera and me arrived and I was there only a little more than a half hour before the show. I think there was another couple, but they didn't wait outside.
I had a nice visit with Rhet who lined up behind me about 23 mintues before things were to get going. Wow, he is a big Allred fan! We had a conversation about promoting bands, and who was up and coming. :)

Finally the doors opened, I purchased my ticket (and was asked who I had come for) and headed for a spot near the stage. I sat there for a minute or two and then took out some of my camera gear and began to figure out the lighting. The lighting at Solid Ground is interesting to say the least.The place began to slowly fill up and actually ended up being rather packed. It was good to see.

Then it was time for the show to start. There were five artists all playing acoustic sets. First up was James Belliston. I really enjoyed his set a bit and was impressed. I took pics as I usually do when allowed to. Spiral Diary (Dave) played next. As he finished setting up the stage, he brought out a disco ball and a couple of blue lights that he kept at the side of the stage. Then he jumped up and turned the light switch off with his guitar. So much for pics. I can do low light, but no light doesn't work well. I tried one with blue lights that was quite dark, and one with flash. Then I took out the point and shoot and took a few flash photos and put it away again. I took those just to have something. Dave's set was really good, and had I brought enough cash I would have purchased his cd, but I will be getting it soon. Next up was Josh Rosenthal. He started out singing a song he "wrote just last week" called Blackbird. And if you guessed it was the version of Blackbird that was originally performed by the Beatles, you get a gold star. I laughed. I did enjoy Josh's set. I've heard his EP, but he sounds much better live. He was also very personable onstage. After Josh played, it was time for Benton Paul to perform. Benton was also very personable on stage. At one point he called a couple of gals from the audience to come up and dance on stage and they did. It looked like they were having a great time. Benton had a very nice listening voice, and a great falsetto. I like falsetto, but it has to be good!

Finally it was time for John Allred to play. I took pictures and listened intently and it was good. :) John started off by having everyone sit down so everyone could see. It pretty much meant I wasn't going to be walking around taking pics. LOL At one point John turned out the lights by shimmying up the pole (wasn't quite ready for that one) and took a very bright, white, light bulb to the center of the room and played from there for a song. After the show, there was a clamour made for an encore, and there was indeed an encore. After giving due applause, I headed over to the merch table to by a cd or two, and ended up talking to Josh a bit and buying his ep. Then I went over and purchased John's new cd, "Parades".

I talked to a few people and left for home, making a brief pit stop at Wendy's.
I really enjoyed all of the artists and I'm so glad I went.

Peace out, Melanie

1 comment:

AJ said...

yay for encouraging the artists--you go, melanie! happy love day, girlie! :)