Me and Flat Stanley for my daughter's nephew.
I want to apologize if I've seemed a little down lately. It probably aptly describes where I've been. Being ill can really wear you down quite easily and I have been giving some thought to the really good things that have happened as well as those less fortunate things that seem to be taking up way too much of my attention lately.
For instance, I am about to finally become a grandmother. Granted, the circumstances aren't perfect, but I am still anxious to meet my grandchild at the
end of August.
I have seen some good concerts in the last few months. Part of me thinks I shouldn't have gone to all of them, and unfortunately, I may have to cut back for
a bit, but I also think they have helped me to keep my mind from dwelling on the negative so much. In that way it has been somewhat cathartic for me. Some of the memories I will have as long as I have a memory.
I have a very close, albeit dysfunctional, family that I love.
I attend a great church. :) My pastor shares my quirky sense of humor, although I sometimes worry that other people won't get it. LOL He loves his wife and his family, and I love them all.
I have a house, as messy as it is, and it is a blessing; especially since I hate the cold with a passion. I think God has not sent me to Siberia for a reason. :) Thanks, God, I really am grateful! I do have a heart for people who go there to minister, though.
I do have a job that is somewhat flexible, although they keep trying to change that.
Right now, that is what I need, though.
I have a great husband who puts up with my foibles.
I have a Savior who loves me and died for me, and will never leave me nor forsake me even when He has had ample reason to do just that.
I have much to be thankful for, and I need to remember this always.
I used to be better at making lists. Sometimes I find it helpful to make lists of the positive when the negative seems overwhelming. I am long overdue.
And soon, it will be springtime. :)
Hope you can see much positive in your life now. I'm getting there. :)
Thank you for the comment and kind words...I hope you and your family are all great...congrats on having a grandbaby soon I bet that will be super exiciting for you! Thanks again!!!!
Yes, congrats! And we'll all get through life together...haha.
aww I know how it is. I've been trying to stay postive and catch up with everyone and everything! I had been down and lazy for too long!
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