But the lack of new words on this page doesn't mean I'm gone, just distracted.
Distractions include working full time, swingshift, watching my granddaughter during the day, sleeping once in a while, taking care of the dogs, playing around on facebook, taking photos, and still going to a few concerts here and there. I have three planned (possibly 4) for July, and three are this week.
The first concert I'm heading out to see is James Taylor and Carole King later tonight. I am a fan of both, and I managed to get what looks like a fairly decent seat. I'm excited that I have the day off and I'm ready for one! I was scheduled to work at a concert on Saturday for Audio Adrenaline, but unfortunately it cancelled.
I wanted to see Runner Runner (opening for Secondhand Serenade), so when it cancelled I picked up a ticket for that show. Sunday, I'm making the drive to Springville to see VOTA.
And since I did mention days off, I decided to take a voluntary furlough if it's offered, possibly on Friday. So, I may have a few days off. I'm looking forward to catching up on some needed rest! I really would like to work another week or two more, but if I stay there is a chance I'll be stuck working all summer. Avalyn has been crawling all day and not just rolling, sitting and scooting so I need to do a little more baby proofing around here, and having the time at a decent hour will be helpful.
There will be lots happening in August, and I've been mulling a few topics of importance to me, so things should pick here soon. I'm not sure who cares, but
writing is good for the soul. :)
Hope everyone stays well and has a great summer!
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