Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Yet one more photoblog - Daisy Mae

This is actually one of my two dogs. I didn't set out to get any pets, but I have managed to inherit two reasonbly large dogs, a terrier mix of about 50 pounds, and Daisy Mae, the chocolate lab. Daisy was sleeping outside using an old stump for a pillow, so I ran downstairs and grabbed my trusty SLR. I tried out the new photo harddrive cf card and it took so long to load that I missed the main event. I guess the new firmware on my camera is incompatible with the firmware on the photodrive, and I am sending it back to the manufacturer for a fix. At any rate, I still got a few cute pics through the kitchen window. It made the photos a bit "hazy" to photograph through my dirty windows, but adding contrast seems to have done wonders.

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