It's been an odd week. I have meant to post another segment in the Creation Northwest saga, but every time I start I decide to wait a bit. So, it hasn't been done. And I'm behind on the rest of my life. I mean that from a blogging perspective, but it seems pretty accurate all around. LOL
So, here is just a little recap from a few things that have been happening this week. I can tell how excited everyone is -- just look at all those happy people dancing with joy.
On Monday of last week, my daughter had her OB appt. and I always meet her there.
She doesn't really want me there when she has the exam, so I spend most of the time waiting in the waiting area. Last Monday she was 2.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Yesterday she had another appointment, and she is now 3 cm and 90% effaced. Translated, for the pregnancy illiterate, Avalyn Grace is about to fall out (to use my daughter's words.) She is very, very close. After today's appointment I wondered aloud as to why I was there, jokingly, and my daughter quipped back, "At least you are the first to know." LOL After the appointment today, we went to Arby's for lunch. I had a French Dip with no cheese. I think I recall reading they weren't too bad fat-wise, especially without cheese, but I've been afraid to look again in case I'm wrong. Trying to stay lower fat and eat out is a challenge.
I've had a few dental appointments this week as well. Three fillings down and a consultation to go. The consultation is with a dentist in the same office about how to handle cavities that are at the base of a root canal tooth, especially one that is part of a bridge. I had a crown put on a tooth last week, and paid half down. If the latest bill is correct, I only owe about $25 so far. I think I can live with that. I am very glad I bought supplemental dental coverage this year.
Thursday night, I consoled myself for missing Rookie of the Year at The Avalon. IT made me feel bad that I couldn't go since it was Ryan's birthday. I don't know him all that well, but between his facebook, myspace and a mutual friend, I kinda, sorta do, but not really. LOL Anyway, maybe next time. They seem to have a knack for coming on days I can't make it. With Bethany so close to delivery, I kinda grounded myself from shows for a few weeks at least.
Saturday, I went to a show called Momedy (music and comedy). I went to hear a young lady with a beautiful voice by the name of Emme Packer. IT was pretty close to my daughter's place, so I felt rather safe. My new Canon 50D came earlier in the week, so I took it along to try it out. The pics were not as sharp as I had hoped, but I guess with the higher resolution, it seems like they sharpen up a bit better in Photoshop. Anyway, I think Emme liked the pics. I'm still trying to figure out the settings on the camera. I finally got the date set tonight at least.
At any rate, I enjoyed the show, met up with a friend who worked in the coffee shop there, and tried some Red tea (rooibos) drink that tasted a little cinnamony/almost chocolately. I had a "brain freeze" because it was the texture of a thick milkshake.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't on my diet, but I substitued soy for dairy, and honey for sugar, so hopefully it was a little better. It was tasty, I must admit.
Sunday morning I went to church, of course. I met a new couple there who were sitting behind me, the pastor preached on 1 Peter and I was able to sing in Spanish and English. We have an Spanish-speaking congregation meeting with us. Rather than just rent them out the building, it was decided that they would ordain their pastor, and we would meet together for a month or two. After that time they will have a service at a later time of day. We have a translater, and the worship choruses are sung in English/Spanish at the same time, while the singers alternate the language. Sometimes I sing in Spanish, sometimes English. It's probably good for me.
Afterwards, I was able to get tickets to see Nick Vujicic for September 13. He is going to be speaking at the LDS Salt Lake Tabernacle. (It's free, but requires a ticket.) I not only got tickets for myself, but I think my neighbors may come as well. IT should be fun. I have one extra to give away now.
When I finally headed out towards the car, I ran into Michelle who was talking to the pastor's wife. She used to go to church there, but moved to Japan. She was visiting in Colorado, and actually came up to see us! How cool is that? It was so great to see her and get to chat!! :) I also had pics on my Zune from Relay for Life, so I was trying to find a few people who I thought would want to see the pics.
I ended up in the portables where there was a flurry of activity preparing for VBS.
I ended up helping to cut things out. I enjoyed the company.
Anyway, today started out on a good note. Mollie the dog has been whining... I get up with not quite enough sleep, to find that she has left a really ugly, messy and smelly present on her pillow. I needed to be at daughter's appointment, so I didn't really have time. I cleaned up as best I could. I made it to the appointment, barely. Poor Mollie is sick today. She is banished to the bathroom, and she's not happy about it. I've been taking her out lots, and trying to pay attention, but she is not a happy camper. Hopefully she will be better tomorrow. I don't relish a visit to the vet.
After my daughter's doctor appointment, we went over to Wal Mart and picked up a few things. I bought an 8 gig CF card. I figure with the baby coming and a new camera with almost twice as many megapixels, I needed a humongous card. LOL She picked up some food items and a tooth brush, and I bought a cantaloupe and some lunchmeat, among other things. I forgot about the lunchmeat.. so now it is no good. :(
I also realized that I was going to see if they wanted to use puppets for VBS, and I just now remembered. I used to have a good memory... once upon a time.
OH, yea, where was I again?
Tomorrow, dentist consultation.
Wednesday, back to work.
Saturday, my daughter Dee comes for a visit
Pray for me, I need it. I'm not ready. LOL